Slippery Rock Creek Information

Level Conver. Calculator
For a correlation between the USGS Gauge at Wurtemburg and staff gage at the mill.

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Keel Hauler Rating below Eckert's Bridge is 13 and is suitable for open canoes.
Mill levels from 0' to 3' are normal, 5' is a high level with roller coater waves, rating 18, section is 6 mi long.

The most popular section for kayakers is from PA 422 to Eckert's bridge. This 3 mi long section rates 21 and is paddleable from -0.5' to 3'.
Above 3' it is very pushy and rating increases to 24.

Access Point Mileage from
1. Kennedy Mill-Frew Mill Rd 1.5 mi
2. Rose Point - Old 422 1.75 mi
3. McConnells Mill Covrd Brdg 1 mi
4. Eckert Bridge - End Gorge 3.5 mi
5. Harris Bridge 0.75 mi
6. Armstrong Bridge-Below Dam
YouTube Video from 1. to 6. - 2020

Detailed Boater's Guide

Area Map

McConnells Mill State Park

McConnells Mill State Park Maps